With funding from Arts Council England and Croydon Council, Croydonites returned in March/April 2017 and presented 8 works over 3 weekends, including pieces by 3 local artists. Parabolic Theatre Company presented 36 immersive performances of 'Morningstar' in a secret location (I can now reveal it was the Town Hall vaults). Jenny Lockyer's 'Amy Johnson: Last Flight Out' commissioned by Croydonites sold out for 2 nights at the Spread Eagle Pub Theatre, and was later reprised by the Croydon Heritage Festival. Local artist (Jenny) and local historical figure (Amy) clearly struck a chord with the audience. Anita Wadsworth's 'Adventures in Noggle Noggle Land' captivated adults with poetic storytelling (and vodka) which was repeated the next day for kids (without vodka).
The locals were joined by Fringe First winners Sh!t Theatre and their personal and political response to the London Housing Crisis 'Letters to Windsor House', live art mavericks GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN in a game of innuendo and gender politics 'Oral', and bharatanatyam dancer Shane Shambhu and his experience of growing up inhabiting two cultures 'Confessions of a Cockney Temple Dancer'. Performance artist Jamal Harewood's work on racism and community 'The Privileged' was uncompromising, uncomfortable but ultimately unmissable, and Zella Compton's hard hitting treatise about media pressure on young girls 'How to be a Girl' worked its satirical magic with humour and power.
Attendance was way up, the press came and wrote nice things, so that kind of decided it and we immediately started working on the next edition.

Header photo by Tara Yarahmadi